Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The New Year

I am sitting here drinking my morning cup of tea and thinking about the New Year. 2010 has been an interesting year, good and bad, but we made it through to 2011. I am hoping to get more sewing done, now that my week-ends are free from not working at BP, and I am hoping to be able to focus on more UFO's getting completed. I am hoping for a better economic forecast and market, and for the good health I have been blessed with. May it continue on in the future!! I am also hoping to spend more time with good friends and of course, my family. I am hoping to continue on this journey on living life simply, and free of extra "stuff" in our lives. To garden more, a bigger garden, so we can enjoy fresh, healthy veggies. I wish you peace and good health in 2011! May it bring you all you wish for and more!

1 comment:

  1. I like your goals, esp. concerning the garden.Good luck with all that you want to do!
