Sunday, March 14, 2010


The week-end was going really good. Saturday I had class at BP & HH, wool penny, and as always, we have so much fun. Lindy has gotten a ton on new fabric in! I can deal with the time change, although this one is harder to adjust for me, but I will adjust. My sewing machine is the issue, or should I say frustration! Maybe it is getting back at me for neglecting her for awhile, but I am afraid it will need to go to the doctors. It just will not move! I have taken it apart, cleaned it, oiled it, nothing. I was trying to finish Colleen's totebag so I could give it to her tomorrow for Knot-y Ladies, but I don't think that is going to happen. I do need to put together a white elephant gift for Knot-y Ladies. Tomorrow night is the last night of our 12 month class. We will be starting up a new session in April, in fact, Gran has I think 4-5 more Knot-y Ladies classes. She is quite the popular one! I asked her if we need to bring gym clothes for PE!! On a different note, my blog/friend, Anna, has a very lovely and heartwarming essay about her grandfather. It is quite interesting and really touched my heart. Anna is very talented with her writing skills,(quilting and beading skills also!) and I always enjoy reading her blog. I hope those in the US remembered to Spring ahead, and I am looking forward to longer days with blue skies and sunshine! Have a wonderful week, my friends!! Hugs!


  1. so frustrating when you want to get something done and the machine doesn't work! I hope it gets resolved for you soon!

  2. So sorry to hear about the sewing machine woes Pam- It is so frustrating to be trying to get something completed only to be hijacked by uncooperative machinery.

    Thank you for your very kind words- so glad you enjoyed the piece. I spoke to my mother this evening and she reminded me of a couple of other little vignettes that I added.
    Time for me to cut up some letters for my children to play with tomorrow.
    I see that gran still has you doing your needlework yoga! VBG
    Hope the machine woes are soon solved,
